Thursday, October 2, 2014

Smart Breakfast Dining: Order Free Honey for your Tea or Coffee

Eating out is more expensive than eating at home, but one way to add nutritional benefits to your breakfast for free is to ask the server to bring you honey for your Earl Grey tea, herbal tea or coffee.With the economy in a shape that does not meet with international approval, everyone needs to find innovative ways to save money. In my own personal experience, I have learned that most restaurant waiters and waitresses are only too happy to accommodate.

All Sugar is Not the Same

Some nutritionists believe that all sugar is the same sugar, but they do not grasp the fact that honey is a natural form of sugar produced by bees whereas white sugar is a processed and refined food that has no nutritional value. When eating breakfast at your favorite diner, drink Earl Grey tea , herbal tea or coffee with honey. You won't have to pay a penny for the honey. In the meantime, your body and taste buds will thank you for the extra nutritional boost and natural sweet treat.

Earl Grey Tea and Buckwheat Honey: A Match Made by Nature

If you love Earl Grey tea, you need to know that your cup of hot morning tea tastes so much better when sweetened with natural honey produced by bees. You can buy delicious, raw buckwheat honey for about the same price as an inferior variety. Rich and dark in color, buckwheat honey contains trace vitamins and minerals, and you only need about a fourth of a teaspoon to sweeten your Earl Grey tea. Since 1/4 of a teaspoon has about 1.33 grams of sugar, buckwheat honey is the perfect healthy sweetener for Earl Grey tea.

Earl Grey Tea and Raw Buckwheat Honey: The Perfect Match at a Fraction of the Cost

Buy pure, raw buckwheat honey at your local health food store. I only pay about $5.50 for a one-pound jar and it lasts a long time. Here's to a healthy start every morning when you drink Earl Grey tea with buckwheat honey. Some brands of Earl Grey tea use artificial, man-made bergamot oil, so you want to make sure you drink the real bergamot oil created by nature. I usually buy Bigelow Earl Grey tea because Bigelow uses natural bergamot oil that contains medicinal characteristics.
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